Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Not Long to Logo

The A7 assignment, along with the first year, is quickly drawing to an end. There is a definite sense of finishing on a high as it had been the best assignment so far. This is because I have found it both challenging and enjoyable; stretching my new found abilities to the max. I have learnt a lot through the assignment and it has solidified my previous learning through many practical exercises.

Initial I found the logo design frustrating as it was the first time with a client you have to get used to them saying no to your ideas. As I went on I became less attached with the ideas and design purely with the client in mind. Here is the postcard I have produced using the variation of my logo design:

The CD artwork allowed me to be a little more artistic in this project which I enjoyed. I organised and arranging interesting scenes using pebbles, and with a good quality camera was able to achieve some effective design pieces. I found working with your own images much easier and much more effective than taking from stock, and you can get your own precise desired effect easily.

I have been practising at making websites for a couple of weeks now and am looking forward to the web build as it’s a good opportunity to test my skills. It will also give me a good sense of achievement to be able to display my hard work in this assignment through an individual and devoted website.

Sunday, 5 April 2009

One To Go

Finding out I had two passes in the last assignments was a huge relief. It always feels good to get something under your belt and will take the pressure off out next assignment as I can stay more focused. Again I have learnt a lot from the feedback and now want to push towards improving my grade to a merit.

Huge issues still surround my time management and recoding of work on the time sheets. If I put in the hours and record it accurately I know I can improve my grades. I believe the work I do is of a high standard but at times there just isn’t enough of it, this is something I’ve always been told throughout my education.

At the end of the last two assignments it really feels like the years coming to an end. The introduction of the last assignment requires me to apply all the knowledge I have learnt over the year, and is a good way to round everything up. It gives me a clear indication of how far I have come this year.

At first I was a little surprised with the assignment as we are on a web design course and it is a collaboration of music based graphic design pieces. However, I could see its relevance in teaching us about all different types of design. I have been encouraged by the research I’ve done and already have a broader knowledge of all design aspects.

I have spent the last few weeks doing a lot of research into website builds. As already opportunities have arose as I’ve been asked to make two websites. I’ve really enjoyed learning new skills and putting them to practise, it has clearly solidified my thoughts about my career as this is something I would love to carry on.