Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Online Portfolio Goals and Requirements

Website Goals
During the making of the website I must ensure that I use well structured code. This can be assessed by the use of notes within the code.

The code I create must use validated XHTML and CSS throughout. These can both be checked by W3C's online validation tool.

The website must have a clear sense of visible hierarchy. This can be assessed using a small questionnaire regarding the visual appearance of the website.

I aim to design the page for a screen resolution of 1024 x 768. I will do this by using a grid system that will be visible in the early designs.

I aim to make each page of the site less that 80k in size. This is to allow the slower internet connections comfortably open each page. This can be assessed by viewing the file sizes of each page.

I must ensure that I have cross browser compatibility within my coding. This can be tested by viewing the portfolio across a number of popular browsers.

Delivery Requirements
I will require the use of Adobe Photoshop CS4 to develop my initial ideas for a screen design. It will also be used to create my final screen design.

I will also require Adobe InDesign CS4 to present my final screen designs in. This will allow me to easily annotate and place the measurements on the design.

For the coding I will be using Adobe Dreamweaver. This will be used purely for the coding side of things and it will allow me to structure my pages with ease.

I will be using XHTML, CSS and Javascript to create my website. In particular I will be using Top-Up LightBox to display my images as it is a very user friendly application.

When it comes to uploading I will be using a private web hosting service with the aid of Cpanel. These both combine to allow me to upload my portfolio onto the internet.

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